The LASSO team

Kim Guldstrand Larsen
Head of project, Grant recepient
Professor, Aalborg University
Head of the LASSO project, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University and Director of CISS, Center for Embedded Software Systems. He is also the director of the innovation network InfinIT and the Sino-Danish basic research centre IDEA4CPS.
Kim Guldstrand Larsen’s research interests include modeling, verification, performance analysis of real-time and embedded systems with applications to concurrency theory and model checking. In particular he is prime investigator of the real-time verification UPPAAL as well as the various new branches of the tool targeted towards optimization, testing, synthesis and compositional analysis .
Associated researchers

Radu Mardare
Associate Professor,
Aalborg University

Manfred Jaeger
Associate Professor,
Aalborg University

Axel Legay
Dr., INRIA, Rennes
PhD students